Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Presents To Myself

A couple of years ago I found that my short term memory just disappeared. I found myself living like a goldfish. I would remember something that I had to do one second only to find myself having completely forgotten that something another. I'd send myself emails to remind me to do things and leave notes to myself lying around.

I conduct all of my shopping online and so every time the postman arrived the contents of the parcels that he had for me were a complete mystery. Not only that but I would forget having ordered those things in the first place and so these parcels were a terrific surprise. Every day was like a birthday, only a very special birthday where I was guaranteed to receive presents that were sure to surprise and delight, presents that I really wanted and needed. I would always feel so very grateful to myself for having been so thoughtful.

I considered sending myself anonymous letters of encouragement but I hadn't time to get around to it because, after a month or two, much to my relief, my short term memory became strong again, just as if nothing had ever happened. It was a strange experience, that's for sure.

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